
About this report

Insights into information requests and removal requests originating from Germany.


Network Enforcement Act

Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG) is a German law that went into effect on January 1, 2018. Under this law, X is required to publish a report twice a year in German regarding our handling of complaints submitted pursuant to Germany’s Network Enforcement Act.


Information Requests

This data includes the number of (a combination of and ), the number of in these requests, and the where some or all of the requested account information was disclosed. It also includes data about . For more details, visit the Information Requests report.

Information Requests

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Removal Requests

This data includes the number of received to remove or withhold content, the number of in these requests, and the total (a combination of X’s removal actions: , , and ). For more details, visit the Removal Requests report.

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Information requests

  • Routine
  • Emergency
  • Combined

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