Trademark Notices

About this report

Insights into reports and outcomes of alleged trademark policy violations on Twitter and Periscope.

Trademark Notices
Trademark Notices

Trademark Notices

Published on July 28, 2022


01.  Latest Data: Trademark Notices

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This section covers the latest volume of , , and the corresponding .


X responds to reports of alleged trademark policy violations when we receive a valid complaint from the trademark owner or their authorized representative. Using another’s trademark in a way that may mislead or confuse people about your affiliation may be a violation of our trademark policy. 


Some notable changes since the last report:




Big picture

X received 31% more , affecting 8% more  since our last report.[1]


Key factors

We carefully review each report received under our trademark policy, and follow up with the reporter as appropriate, such as in cases of apparent fair use. We may take action on reported content if it is using another’s trademark in a manner that may mislead others about its business affiliation.[2]


Some cases received during this reporting period may be in progress and may not be closed at the time of reporting.

1.  We may not take action on every request for a variety of reasons. For example, we may not take action on:

  • Trademark notices filed by representatives who have not been authorized by the trademark owner.
  • Trademark notices that fail to provide sufficient information for us to locate accounts or material on X. 
  • Misfiled, duplicate, or non-trademark complaints submitted through our Trademark web form.

2.  Where an account is determined to violate X’s trademark policy, each account holder is given the opportunity to appeal an account suspension.


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