Law No. 5651
Pursuant to changes made to Regulation of Publications via Internet and Prevention of Crimes Committed through Such Publications (Law No. 5651) on October 1, 2020, X is required to publish a semi-annual report in Turkish regarding reports submitted by individuals under Articles 9 and 9/A of Law No. 5651.
Information Requests
This data includes the number of government information requests (a combination of routine requests and emergency requests), the number of accounts specified in these requests, and the compliance rate where some or all of the requested account information was disclosed. It also includes data about preservation requests. For more details, visit the Information Requests report.
Removal Requests
This data includes the number of legal demands received to remove or withhold content, the number of accounts specified in these requests, and the total compliance rate (a combination of X’s removal actions: accounts withheld, posts withheld, and accounts TOS). For more details, visit the Removal Requests report.